Vince Dwyer

Hi, I'm a digital designer based in London.


An Espresso module is a curriculum-centred primary teaching resource. All modules have a bespoke template-driven design with supporting CSS, delivered through a content management system. Title fonts, colour palette and background themes are all developed to reflect each modules key stage and topic.


Module front screen gallery

Books (EY)
Books (EY)
Space (EY)
Space (EY)
All about me (EY)
All about me (EY)
Pirates (KS1)
Pirates (KS1)
Seasons (KS1)
Seasons KS1
Animals (KS1)
Animals (KS1)
Växtens livscykel (KS2)
Växtens livscykel (KS2)
Poetry (KS2)
Poetry (KS2)
Forces (KS2)
Forces (KS2)
The Shang Dynasty (KS2)
The Shang Dynasty (KS2)
Exploring buildings (KS2)
Exploring buildings (KS2)
Mountains (KS2)
Mountains (KS2)


Template-driven banners and thumbs created for the Espresso product for both the UK and Swedish service.

Espresso graphics